Austin Independent School District District-Wide Space Assessment Study of Education
Facility Programming and Consulting was engaged by the Austin Independent School District (AISD) to complete a Facility Condition Assessment Program. This assessment provides AISD with a complete overview of the intended and actual use for each of their 120+ facilities. This project was completed in three phases: a Pilot Study of three educational facilities, the actual data collection, and a secondary usage data collection once the school year had commenced.
The result of this effort provided AISD with a complete overview of the intended and actual use of all their facilities, paving the way for an evidence-based Facility Use Strategy. The scope included updating the Space Use Code for each room as well as ensuring that all interim modifications had been recorded on the floor plans at each facility. Facility Programming provided a report identifying the condition of each asset. This detailed report allowed the distract to move forward with its anticipated bond planning.
Austin, Texas
Services Provided
Strategic Facilities Planning
Space Utilization Analysis
Needs Assessment