Renderings from:

CPS Energy

CPS Energy New Headquarters

Facility Programming and Consulting completed a study to develop a program of requirements for a new headquarters building for CPS Energy in San Antonio, Texas. This effort was intended to quantify the identified space needs for the administration of CPS Energy as well as evaluate the existing organization and efficiency. The programming team worked with the designated CPS Energy representatives to review the existing limited CPS Energy space standards and develop a more detailed Standards Document to be included with the planning and design of the new facility.

Facility Programming engaged the Employee Development Group to program the new facility to aid and improve the employees work experience, and enhance amenities, efficiencies, and productivity while focusing on improved sustainable practices. This project was intended to be capable of adaptation for either the renovation of an existing facility or the construction of a new facility.


San Antonio, Texas

Total Project Cost

$52 Million

Total Gross Square Footage

277,000 GSF

Services Provided

Architectural Programming
Space Utilization Analysis
Needs Assessment