National Weather Service Facility Condition Assessment Phase I, II, III
Phase I: Facility Programming and Consulting was engaged by NOAA to complete a long-range facility plan for the National Weather Service to include 4 parts: Facility Condition Assessments for approximately 169 NWS sites nationwide, in each of the six Regions; a Facilities Strategic Plan to be applied to facilities nationwide; an update to the NWS Facility Instructions (policy); and site-specific Master Plans for 11 sites. An assessment of the NWS energy and water usage for the facilities was also completed as part of this SOW.
Phase II: Facility Programming and Consulting was engaged by NOAA to continue its Facility Condition Assessments for the next 1/3 of NWS facilities, approximately 55 NWS sites, with the addition of new tasks of Arc Flash Analysis, Energy Assessment, and Detailed HVAC assessment of selected facilities as part of the condition assessment. Additional studies, beyond the FCA, included UAIB Hydrogen Gas Code Analysis and Fire Life Safety Engineering Analysis of selected facilities nationwide, both within and outside the continental U.S., as well as the update to the Facilities Strategic Plan, site specific Master Plans for three sites, and GIS support for coordination and validation of NWS existing facility data pertaining to asset location.
Phase III: Facility Programming and Consulting was engaged by NOAA to continue its Facility Condition Assessments for Phase III of the NWS facilities. Thermographic imaging, grounding testing, ATRA data integration, and collection of radar blockage issues (select sites only) were also integral components of the FCA reports. Additional studies, beyond the FCA, included Fire Life Safety Engineering Analysis of selected facilities nationwide, both within and outside the continental U.S., as well as the update to the Facilities Strategic Plan.
58 Nationwide Locations
(Continental U.S., Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and South Pacific)
Services Provided
Architectural Programming
Strategic Facilities Planning
Needs Assessment