Design and Photos from:
Lake / Flato
Texas Biomedical Research Institute Facility
The new Building Complex containing the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (SFBR), the Southwest National Primate Research Center (SNPRC) Administrative Headquarters and the SNPRC Laboratories provides much needed laboratory and administrative space to the SNPRC which was previously housed in aging and inadequate facilities on the SFBR campus. The new facility also provides space for new updated and expanded SFBR offices. The new building unites the Primate Center offices and laboratories throughout the campus into one common facility. The building houses new laboratory, office, and administrative spaces for SNPRC and new office and administrative spaces for SFBR.
San Antonio, Texas
Total Project Cost
$25 Million
Total Gross Square Footage
62,164 GSF
Services Provided
Architectural Programming
Laboratory Planning and Design
Firms Worked With
Lake / Flato