University of Texas at San Antonio 2018 Campus Master Plan Support
Facility Programming was engaged as part of a team to provide master planning support for the University of Texas at San Antonio, including the development of enrollment projections and an analysis of both the existing and projected space demand. UTSA desires to grow its current total headcount at both campuses from approximately 30,700 students, in Fall 2017, to 45,000 students by Fall 2028. In August and September 2018, multiple interviews were conducted with UTSA leadership, faculty, and staff to better understand the issues facing the university, at each of the campuses, and within individual departments. Meetings were conducted with each of the college deans to discuss potential new academic programs and future space needs; similar meetings were conducted with each of the Vice Presidents to understand projected administrative growth and space needs. Using the information gathered in the interviews plus enrollment projections for students, faculty, and staff provided by UTSA and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), growth scenarios for each campus were developed.
San Antonio, Texas
Services Provided
Architectural Programming
Space Utilization Analysis
Needs Assessment
Firms Worked With